A precise knowledge of the region's most remarkable terroirs forms the basis of the parcel by parcel vinification for which the Domaine is renowned: in particular, the classification of Tête de Cru and Hors Classe were established by Jeanne Ferret. It was entirely down to her that the wines were bottled at the Domaine - at a time when this was certainly not standard practice. Her daughter, Colette, followed in her footsteps, developing the Domaine's reputation for excellence by focusing on the maturation period.
The spectrum of rocks present in Fuissé is the most diverse within the Maconnais, and the Ferret vineyards, which are spread across the appellation's entire range of soil types, is one of its best ambassadors. The soils can be poor, made up of hard limestone and even calcite, but they can also be richer clays, based on alluvial marl deposits, schist's and even volcanic-sedimentary pebbles. More than 330 million years separate the most ancient of these rocks from the most recent deposits. These foundation rocks, located on the eastern fringe of the Beauregard plateau, are made up of limestone deposited by ancient lakes.
At Domaine Ferret, we believe that, in order to make a great wine, one needs, above all, to respect one's heritage. Not only the heritage of the land, but also the traditions bequeathed to us by our ancestors who, like us, tended the vines and drank the wine made from its grapes. We believe in keeping a watchful eye on our vineyards and our environment, and we encourage the development of local wildlife.
Our approach to viticulture is tailor-made: we do not believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. It is by knowing our soils - and their ancient history - that those of us who work our vineyards prove that we love and care for them. Our aim is to pass on that which nature has given us in good health to future generations.
When Louis Jadot acquired the 18-hectare property in 2008, its aim was to continue working in the tradition of excellence established by the Ferrets. Today, Audrey Braccini is in charge of maintaining the property's high standards.